Culture In The Age Of Money. An analysis of the book culture In The Age Of Money written by Nicolaus Mills.

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In the book Culture in an age of Money, the author Nicolaus Mills labels our recent cultural history as "the culture of triumph" In describing its persistence, Mills suggests that, "while the victories of the culture of triumph have been frequent, they have been largely hollow." The author looks at the commercialization of our society in such diverse areas as materialistic things, politics and opinions. "Nancy Regan wanted new china for the White House. The …

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…change in china would change peoples opinions on the past events, and somehow be a start in the right direction. Or the Statue of Liberty extravaganza in which people used the poor symbol of freedom to make money off of, instead of celebrating one hundred years of freedom. It just seems as though the harder society tries to change or improve on something the further attached we get from what we really should be doing.