Cultural war in things Fall Apart

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Many societies have beliefs rooted deep in ancient religion. Some beliefs include polygamy, polytheism, and patriarchy, or rule by men. One such culture is that of Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Polytheism and polygamy are custom in the clan, and the role of each family member is very defined. The men are overly domineering. The women and children are treated poorly and often beaten. Life in Achebe's Umuofia would seem very different to someone living in …

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…here in America. Okonkwo did everything he could to fight weakness, and change. In the end he lost, he failed. Achebe teaches us that there is a real balance between what we believe and what Ibo culture teaches. There must be some middle ground where women and men can exist, and excel, as equals. Until we are able to accept our weakness, and treat one another as equals we will all end up like Okonkwo.