Cultural Misunderstanding during International Business

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Nowadays, with the development of modern technology, the world tends to be a global village. It is quite convenient to contact people from other countries by telephone, fax or on the internet. Therefore, firms get more opportunities to sell their products overseas. However, as we all know, different countries have their own unique cultures. Hofstede who is a pioneer of comparative intercultural research describes culture as "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the …

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…to learn other nations' cultures and keep an open mind, and adapt himself/herself to fit into the business environment in order to get the best achievement in business. References: Gallois,C and V.Callan (1997) Communication and Culture. JOHN WILEY&SONS Vinken,H, Joseph Soeters and Peter Ester(2004) Comparing Culture Dimensions of Culture in a Comparative Perspective. BRILL The Content of Intercultural Communication 25/01/2006