Cultural Intelligence and Organisational Management

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 10346
Pages: 38
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Table of Contents South Africa - Cultural Diversity 2 Understanding Culture 4 2.1 Cultural Dimensions Model 4 2.2 Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges - case: eye contact 5 2.3 Cultural Shock - Respecting Differences and Working Together 6 2.4 Building Trust across Cultural Boundaries 6 WHAT IS CORPORATE CULTURE? 7 3.1 Levels of corporate culture 7 3.2 Adaptive vs. Unadaptive 8 3.3 Competitive Culture 8 HUMAN INTELLIGENCE 9 4.1 Emotional Intelligence 9 4.2 The five (four) domains of emotional intelligence 10 4.3 How can we assess and measure emotional intelligence? 11 4.4 Are emotional and cultural intelligence related? 11 CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE DEFINED 12 5.1 The …

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