Cultural Globalization Write an essay in which you present the writers point of view, your claim, and your response

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
According to Phillipe Legrain, cultural globalization is not Americanization, he comments that, "It is a myth that globalization involves the imposition of Americanized uniformity, rather than an explosion of cultural exchange." Globalization is a good thing, but is feared by many because it is a common misconception of Americanization. Globalization is, in the simplest of terms, cross-fertilization, or the exchanging of ideas and products. Globalization in fact increases individual freedom. It allows oneself to choose …

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…redefine ourselves frequently through culture among other things, it is only necessary to alter it when we see fit. It is therefore true as Legrain states "you can like foreign things and still have strong bonds to your fellow citizens." Finally, he also comments that "America does not decide who you are, it is part of who you are," and because you have the individual freedom to choose, you decide what and who you are.