Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Juan Concepcion Managing Diversity in the Workplace Cultural diversity in the workplace is becoming more and more prevalent. Corporations in all industries are encouraging minorities, women, elderly workers, people with disabilities as well as foreign workers to join white males in the workplace. The following analysis will focus on these groups and how companies are encouraging them to join an ever-expanding workplace. Even if affirmative action is dismantled, diversity of the workforce is clearly here …

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…focus on protecting workers against employment bias", Miami Times, 6/25/98. Kanter, Rosabeth., Men and Women of the Corporation (New York:Basic, 1977). Klimley, April., "Diversity: A Bottom Line Strategy", BlackEnterprise, 7/31/1995. Nelton, Sharon, "Nurturing diversity...", Nation's Business,vol.83, 6/1/1995, p.25(3). Powell, Gary., Women and Men in Management, 2nd ed. (Newbury Park,CA: Sage, 1993). Spayd, "Disabilities Act Spawns Outpouring Of Complaints", St. LouisDispatch, 8/1/1993. Works Cited 1. Bergmann, Barbara., In defense of Affirmative Action, Basic Books A division of Harper Collins Publishers