Cultural Differences Between the Chesapeake and New England

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Essay Database > History
There were many differences between the colonies settled in the Chesapeake and New England, the differences that separated the two different geographical areas, however, were not as dissimilar as one would think. (the topic sentence is a little shady...i don't know what it is...but it's confusing...might be a little too wordy)While many would blame the environmental separation as a primary explanation to the differences between these two colonial areas, historians have …

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…religious and to everyday tasks they performed in life. These differences though, were created because of religious and cultural differences associated with each area, such as slavery in the south and strict religious discipline in the north. The differences stemmed from the religious upbringing of children by their families. Since religion is usually first taught within the family, one could say that families ultimately created the social differences dividing the Chesapeake and New England areas.