Cult and Religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Cult and Religion Religion is a sociological device used to protect its members, and it offers them a common system of belief. Religion, whether it is Christianity, Taoism, Judaism, or Hinduism is a set of commonly shared beliefs, which bring many people together. Religions usually teaches a code of morality with an emphasis on a higher supernatural entity. They give examples and role models for people to follow. Religion, although having nearly the same definition …

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…labeled a cult it is subjected to some form of prosecution. One group will attack another, either because they simply feel they are right and the other group's belief system must therefore be wrong. The group becomes an outliner and is banished, censured, or ostracized. When labeled a cult like the branch Davidians of Waco, Texas the group is subject to infiltration and forced collapse. Only the connotations differentiate these two words from one another.