Cubism was one of the strongest art movements in the 20th century that gave birth to many other movements such as futurism and suprematism.

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Cubism was one of the strongest art movements in the 20th century that gave birth to many other movements such as futurism and suprematism. The Forefathers of this revolutionary way of painting were Pablo Picasso and George Braque. Although it may have seemed to be abstract and geometrical to an untrained eye, cubist art do depict real objects. The shapes are flattened onto canvas so that different sides of each shape can be shown simultaneously …

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…and desirers. All of these movements developed from geometrical objects to seem as a true form such as a body or face then turn into a geometrical form. All of these innovators thought differently, they wanted to change everyone else's state of mind and with their unlikely way of thinking they have. But we have become so accustomed to it that we do not recognize it and take these powerful shapes and colors for granted