Cuban Missle Crisis

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Essay Database > History
Cuban Missile Crisis When given the opportunity to write a research paper on any conflict or battle during recent American History, one has a number of options: World War Two, the War in Vietnam, and the Korean conflict to name but a few. However, I have chosen a brief period of two weeks during which the very existence of the United States was seriously threatened. To most of my generation the Cuban missile crisis is …

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…war but also resolved the situation without a single injury or death. Bibliography Bohlen, Charles E., Witness to History, 1929-1969. New York: Norton, 1973. Collier, Peter and Horowitz, David The Kennedys: An American Dream. New York: Summit Books (Simon & Schuster), 1984. Detzer, David The Brink: Story of the Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: Crowell, 1979 LaFeber, Walter The American Century. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1988. May, Ernest R. and Zelikow, Philip D. eds. The Kennedy Tapes. Cambridge MA:Harvard University Press, 1997.