Cuban Missile Crisis

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Essay Database > History > European History
"Now, as to Cuba - there's a place that could really lead to some unexpected consequences." (Nikita Khrushchev). Through this statement Khrushchev is expressing his anger towards the United States and that the United States is putting him in the position to use nuclear arms. The Cuban missile crisis can be considered one of the most controversial events in the greater part of the 20th century. It can be blamed on both the United States …

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…putting the United States in a danger that was not necessary. In conclusion the United States was at fault for the Cuban missile crisis. There actions were completely unjustified and uncessary. The United States had many other alternatives other than a nuclear arms race putting both the people in the United States, Cuba and in Soviet Union in danger. All parites involed were being childish but the United States actions had really broken the straw.