Cuban Film and the mythical place called CUBA

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Essay Database > History > World History
Latin American films have always been about more than just the film. Often you get a feeling that the artist who creates these films has this certain message behind every scene, every moment, every camera shot. Cuban cinema is no different, ever since the first Cuban film was created in 1897, Cuban cinema has captured the imagination of countless Cubans and non-Cubans. During the Republican period more than eighty fiction movies were filmed. But this would …

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…country, an island, a political state. It has become almost like an Atlantis. A place that once was, and now is only a dream this place called CUBA. A place where there are festivals in the street, the girls stay virgins till they marry, where the government is fare to all people whatever they might be. This is the place I would like to be, the place where even in the movies you cannot go.