Cuba vs. America

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
1.0 INTRODUCTION Despite being under blockade since 1961 and losing 85 percent of its exports and 70 percent of its imports with the collapse of the Soviet Bloc in 1989, Cuba has managed to maintain its high levels of health care, literacy, education and housing. Since Fidel and his band of rebels ousted Batista in 1959 Cuba has been at war with America. Not only a war involving terrorist attacks and nuclear threats but also a war of politics and propaganda. …

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… its massive land holdings and businesses were nationalised. The war it has waged has caused needless suffering amongst Cuban people yet no managed to depose Fidel. He is now 73 years old and will soon retire. Without its dictator will Cuba still be a dictatorship? Or will it simply be a poor country struggling to maintain its independence in the face of massive U.S. pressure? Only time will tell.