Cuba: Columbus to Castro

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Essay Database > History
The island that is Cuba was inhabited by several different indigenous groups when it was visited in 1492 by Christopher Columbus. Cuba served as the staging area for Spanish explorations of the Americas. As an assembly point for treasure fleets, it offered a target for French and British buccaneers, who attacked the island's cities incessantly. (Miller, 1997) The native population was quickly destroyed under Spanish rule, and was soon replaced as laborers by African slaves, who contributed …

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… Cuba is a one-party Communist state; the Cuban Communist party (PCC) is the only legal political party. The country is governed under the constitution of 1976. The government is led by Fidel Castro , who became prime minister in 1959 and president in 1976. The unicameral legislature, the national assembly, is elected directly by the people. Cuba's legal system is based on Spanish and American law mingled with Communist legal theory. Administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces. ( Silverman, 1980)