"Crumb" Documentary on Robert Crumb the cartoonist

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CRUMB is a documentary about the famous underground cartoonist named Robert Crumb. He is the one who did the Keep On Truck'n illustration, the X-rated Fritz the Cat cartoon character, and the Mr. Natural cartoon series among others. CRUMB tells Robert's story as well as that of his highly dysfunctional family. He and his two brothers, Charles and Max, cling to the edge of the sane world. Robert has his success as a cartoonist to …

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…more distasteful cartoons that I wanted. Nevertheless, for taking me into a world, repugnant and sad as it was at times, that I have never traveled before and for showing me some tragic characters, I recommend this enlightening movie to you. It is incorrectly rated R. We are shown one X-rated cartoon after another so I cannot see how in good conscious they gave it anything less than a NC-17. It is not for teenagers.