Cruelty and Racism in the "Battle Royal" by Ralph Elison.

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"Cruelty and Racism in "Battle Royal" Battle Royal is the first chapter in a novel called "The Invisible Man." "Ralph Ellison," who lived 1914 - 1994, based this novel on the life of a young black man, the narrator, living in the world of cruel racism. The narrator's life was a fine example of racism. The white people, in this story, are merciless and malicious. Ellison's definition of racism incorporates a high degree of cruelty; he tells …

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…get to close to the rug. The racism in this short story is very descriptive. Ellison tells of how much the white folk, in this story, get pleasure from being callous towards the narrator and the other black boys. Throughout the entire fight and bloodshed, all the white people do is ridicule and encourage the fight. Not one person cares for the men that are being harassed and beaten. All everyone wants is senseless cruelty.