Cross-cultural awareness

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Business people today face an increasing range of culturally diverse situations. To ensure success in business, many organizations are using cross-cultural training to improve their manager's cross-cultural effectiveness and enhance their communication skills. In a diverse workplace there are many cultures collide. Many culture norms influence a manager's behavior and subsequent reactions (Gardenswartz L. and Rowe A., 2001). "Culture is behind our behavior on the job. Often without our realization, culture influences how close we stand, …

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…-840 Tsui, K.L. 2004 Interview: Mr. David Nip , Production Co-ordinator, 28 December 2004, MIBT, unpublished, Melb, Vic. (Appendix 1) Bibliography Estienne M., 1997, 'The art of cross-cultural management: "an alternative approach to training and development", European Industrial Training, vol 21, no. 1, pp14-18 Blassingame K. M., 2002, 'Strangers in strange lands', Employee Benefits News, pp. 31-32 Mead R., 1994, International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions, Blackwell Publishing, Vic Hodgetts R. M. and Luthans F., 2000, International Management: Culture, Strategy and Behavior, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, USA