Cross Cultural Intermediation of Fluxus.

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Cross Cultural Intermediation of Fluxus Fluxus was a fascinating interdisciplinary and international arts movement that began in the 1960s. George Maciunas, a graphic artist, gallery director and small time entrepreneur, coined the name "Fluxus". He used the actual dictionary definition of "flux" to define the group. Flux is defined in the dictionary as the act of a flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream; a continuous succession of changes. …

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…generated but carefully maintained Fluxus network. Since then, Fluxus has endured not so much as a movement but as a sensibility, which is a way of fusing certain radical social attitudes with ever and evolving aesthetic practices. Initially received as little more than an international network of pranksters, the admittedly playful artists of Fluxus were, and remain, a network of radical visionaries who have sought to change political and social, as well as aesthetic, perception.