Critique on "To Kill a Mockingbird" By Harper Lee

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Critique - How to Kill A Mockingbird As I began to read this book I wasn't sure why I was reading it, and it seemed to be a boring story of childhood experiences. But as the story progressed I became more and more interested, and began to grasp the meaning of the story. It seems to focus on the representation of the mockingbird as a symbol of innocence. It seems to look deep into the …

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…to social rules, as with Boo Radley who was feared for these reasons, but ended up being less harmless than the rest of the townsfolk. Children, like those in this story began with innocence, and through innocent eyes could not see any reasons to fear others other than from what they heard from the adults in the town who had lost their innocence, and became stuck in a world filled with fear, lies, and ignorance.