Critique of On Death and Dying

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Essay Database > Literature > English
On Death and Dying By Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' On Death and Dying is an easy to understand look at important issues, attitudes and factors that contribute to society's anxiety about death presented in a kind but factual manner. Kubler-Ross illustrates the many problems that can arise from not discussing death and dying and the heartache it can cause the terminally ill and their families. The book is based on hundreds of sample interviews and …

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…had not even though to question them. After reading this book, I found myself morning the missed opportunity of not hearing my grandmother's feelings about her death. I am confident that in the future, I have a lot more insight into how to handle the various communication and interpersonal difficulties inherent in this very stressful time. Above all, this book made me "think". Although I've finished reading it, I certainly haven't finished thinking about it.