Critique of Hatred Talks about how hate is either inborn or learned. Through life experiences or unknown forces hatred it present in everyone.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Critique of Hatred Hatred can be something that is either inborn or learned. There are many determining factors but people are plagued by the idea that a young child can show anger even when no anger is presented to them beforehand. Maybe there is something deep within us all that causes hatred to be close enough to the surface of our being that it can be conjured up at any time. Hatred for another group …

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…Indifference would be that you did not even acknowledge their existence." More people in this world need to be indifferent and just take things with the grain of salt. This is a small world and we all need to live here together in harmony. There is no need to have such an extreme passion for someone that you would kill, oppress or torture them everyone is different and we should learn to accept these differences.