Critique #3 Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against "Aid" that Harms By Garrett Hardin

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Critique #3 Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against "Aid" that Harms By Garrett Hardin After reading the above reading by Mr. Hardin, I had come to the conclusion that in life there are many choices that must be made. In correlation to my Environmental Science class I can understand more of what his thought process is. In comparison, he could be talking about world hunger. His strongest points in the article were "each rich nation can be …

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…to go around. He also started mentioning the "concept of pure justice produces an infinite regression to absurdity," okay where was he going on this one? There were a lot of things he stated in his article that I had no clue where he was going with it and it seemed as if he was just trying to take up more space. Overall the whole article had no bearing on my worldview of my lifeboat.