Critically evaluate whether we live in a Fordist, Neo-Fordist or Post-Fordist society.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
When the new black Model-T came off the assembly line and started in Ford's plant in Highland Park (Detroit) 90 years ago, the human industrial society began to change. Looking the same as any previous models, this Model-T was built only in one and a half hours. The saved ninety percent of labour hour rapidly led to 'The First Industrial Divide' of the western world. Even today, how deeply this industrial revolution, the so-called Fordism, had …

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…Madry, N & Kirby, H. (1996) Investigating Work, Unemployment and Leisure, Collins Educational, UK Perulli, P (1999) Lecture: More Global and More local. Network enterprises and the Benetton case revisited. Professor of Economic Sociology, UMUIA, Venice Piore, M.J. & Sabel, C.F. (1984) The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity, Basic Books, New York Thompson, P. (1993) The Labour Process: changing theory, changing practice. Sociology Review, Vol.3, No.2 Warde, A. (1989) The Future of work, Social Studies Review, September