Critically Evaluate Weber's Understanding of Bureaucracy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
If recently asked what had been the most important event along with the industrial revolution during 18th and 19th centuries, people in the west should immediately replied; that is the emergence of bureaucracy of which Marx Weber had been known as the father. However, after the existence of his concept on bureaucracy and its central role in bringing a great impact on the way people lived and were organized; people started asking whether Weber's ideas …

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…Bank of Vietnam or the central bank to enact transfers. However, local banks, without the necessary guidelines to implement the new ordinance, still refuse to sell foreign currency to clients until they have permission from the central bank. In other words, Vietnamese residents have yet to gain any benefit because of bureaucracy. Consequently, people go to the black market to buy foreign currency to send abroad, even though they have to accept higher exchange rates.