Critical lens on the powers of emotion.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
All literature shows us the power of emotion. It is emotion, not reason, that motivates characters in literature, quoted by Duff Brenna. This means that literature is emotional and can be a motivation for characters. I agree with this quote and the two pieces of literature that greatly support this quote are Of Mice and Men and Macbeth. In Of Mice and Men by, John Steinbeck there was a tremendous amount of emotion from the …

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…the 10,000 troops that were sent to overthrow Macbeth, they all had branches. When they were all marching together it looked like a forest moving towards the castle. Macbeth then was no longer confident and was eventually overthrown by Macduff. In the two literatures Macbeth and Of Mice and Men there were many emotions from either friendships or enemies. In the stories emotion was not depicted by reason but by the way the character was motivated.