Critical analysis of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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From Rags to Riches with No Avail For years, America has been known as the land of the riches, immigrants from all over the world flood to America to claim their own piece of the road paved with gold. F. Scott Fitzgerald knew about this American dream all to well and portrayed his opinion of it in his novel The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby was certain that wealth was the solution to Daisy's heart, and …

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…mansion and his parties, but she was now a member of a different crowd; the old money, this group avoided the new wealth whenever possible. Because Gatsby was so sure he was right about Daisy, and everything he did centered around her. When he discovered the truth everything fell apart around him. He had nothing left to live her, and ironically in the end his life was taken because of his efforts to save Daisy's.