Critical Review of Savage Inequalities

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Bowles, Samuel. (1971). Unequal education and the reproduction of the social division of labor. Review of Radical Political Economics, 3. Spring, Joel. (1998). American education (8th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill. In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol describes the conditions of several of America's public schools. Between 1988 and 1990, Kozol visited schools in approximately 30 neighborhoods and discovered that there was a wide disparity in the conditions between the schools in the poorest inner-city communities and schools in the wealthier suburban communities. …

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…why things got the way they have as they relate to the purposes of schooling as described by Joel Spring (p. 18-26). He observed the schools and was able to highlight the inequities present, but did he do anything? He had an ideal opportunity to initiate some organizing of those involved, yet the book does not suggest that he did much more than visit the schools and report back what he saw, heard, and felt.