Critical Interpretations of Othello - Racism and Feminism.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
William Shakespeare's Othello is a book that is open to a wide range of different critical interpretations. It was originally written during the Elizabethan period which then held a completely different context and values than of today's post-modern context. One critical interpretation is the issue of racism, which is made obvious to the audience a great number of times especially when it came to the topic of Othello himself. Some of the characters, although racist, …

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…post-modern context, while back in Elizabethan times, it would've been a socially acceptable value of belief. The Feminist interpretation can be taken as offensive against women of today's society, but it would've been the accepted way of life for women in the past context. Both critical interpretations have allowed people to see the changes of the past and present context, but in the end, the way we interpret things depends on the audience and context.