Critical Analysis of Don't Knock Harry

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In 1998, author J.K. Rowlings released "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", the first in a series of books about the magical character Harry Potter. On November 26, 2001, upon release of the self-titled screenplay, a Tribune newspaper editor wrote the article, 'Don't Knock Harry', which provided a volume of insight. He decisively analyzes the views of some in our society, as it relates to the release of the Harry Potter book series. He goes against the …

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…think that this film was brilliantly created and leaves the viewer wanting more. Harry Potter is an innocent character who was abused by his family, and his life achievements and accomplishments can teach a child - even us adults - that although life is not perfect, we choose our own destiny. I thank the author for relinquishing the dark shadow that was placed over Harry Potter by those who have a "pull" in our society.