Cristianity and Buddhism

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Spread of Christianity Offered: 1) Redemptions of sins, personal immortality, and future life where material adversities are absent. 2) Easy message from Jesus that everyone could understand. 3) Free of , cumbersome regulations (Judaism) and costly rituals ( Mystery Cults) 4) Accessible to all- male, female, rich, poor, free, or a slave. 5) Its Historical Credibility- The fact that Jesus had lived among men and women and practiced the morality he preached. Roman Empire at the Time The was a large …

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…there was a alter. Roman Basilica More on Christian Churches They served as not only place to worship but also tombs. They were massive so they could accommodate thousands but had wood roofs which made them vulnerable to fire, none have survived. The Latin Cross plan was model for medieval churches in West, the exterior was left plain, but interior had mosaics made of colored glass or marble set in wet cement. ( borrowed form Romans)