Crisis in Kosovo

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Crisis in Kosovo The area of Kosovo is no stranger to conflict. In 1389, the invading Muslim Turks defeated Christian Serbs on the Field of Blackbirds in Kosovo. Kosovo fell under Turkish rule, which allowed Albanians to migrate from the south. This greatly increased the Albanian population of Kosovo. Six hundred years later, Slobadon Milosevic used this ancient battle to create a dispute between the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, who are Islamic, and the Serb Kosavars, …

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…our previous mistakes to stay out of these types of conflicts, in which all we do is worsen it for everyone, especially ourselves. America should not have intervened in the crisis in Kosovo. The argument that United States involvement is required to enforce peace is unfounded. A military alliance cannot force peace upon a people because in applying that force, the peace becomes oppression and oppression is the act that we are attempting to abolish.