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Essay Database > History
The Crisis On September 11, 2001 a horrifying event occurred in New York City, New York and in Washington D.C. In New York terrorists hijacked and flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center. World Trade Center 1 was the first building struck, by American Airlines flight 11 at 8:45am. World Trade Center 2 was struck only 18 minutes later by United Airlines flight 175 with more devastating results. In Washington D.C. American Airlines flight 77 crashed into a portion of …

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…assailants behind this mastermind act of violence. The American people themselves have responded positively with the organization of many help and support groups. We must remember that these acts were deliberate and were done the intent for harm. America has the right to retaliate, and President Bush has stated that and proposed many different strategies to take the criminals down. America must stay together and support our President in order to get through this crisis.