Criminology- Robert Latimer case analysis
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
This article written by Tom Hanson (2001) explains past change in the corrections policy using Robert Latimer as an example. This change affects how the "hard time policy" will be applied to offenders (The Vancouver Sun, 01). Robert Latimer was convicted of second-degree murder and was sentenced to ten year with no chance of parole and imprisonment. Hanson goes on to explain that the Solicitor General, Lawrence Mac Aulay made an announcement that those convicted of first
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Release Act of 1992, one of the purposes of Corrections is not only to carry out the sentences imposed by courts in a humane and safe manner but also to assist in the rehabilitation of offenders. Putting other individuals like Latimer into maximum-security prisons may do more harm than good. Such individuals may serve their sentence and learn more about how to commit further crimes and less about how to become a contributing citizen to society.
Release Act of 1992, one of the purposes of Corrections is not only to carry out the sentences imposed by courts in a humane and safe manner but also to assist in the rehabilitation of offenders. Putting other individuals like Latimer into maximum-security prisons may do more harm than good. Such individuals may serve their sentence and learn more about how to commit further crimes and less about how to become a contributing citizen to society.