Crime misc11

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
For example, the United States Census combines their population data with crime data compiled from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting system (UCR) to produce crime rates. These rates are calculated with a constant of 100,000 and are broken down by type of crime. As decribed by Sacco and Kennedy in The Criminal Event, the constant in the above equation is designed so the crime rate can be expressed per c (the constant) units of exposure. The …

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…summary, when reviewing crime rates, the value of the denominator should be considered when drawing conclusions. If the denominator reflects the size of the total population residing within the measured jurisdiction, conclusions should reflect the possibility that subsets of the popluation may be incorrectly included in the calculated crime rate. If a subset such as males aged 16 - 30, were used in the calculations, conclusions should consider the subset of the population which may be excluded.