"Crime and punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Complexity of a character In many novels, the complexity of a character is often described within the first few chapters. In the novel, Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the author takes the first few pages to discuss the main character. The main character is extremely proud, cynical, and emotionally detached from humanity and somewhat in a mental state. Traits that may get any one into trouble, especially if put into the right situation. Throughout …

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…can tell that the character is somewhat in a mental state. He is so self absorbed with himself that he avoids his responsibility and forgets what is happening around him. The complexity of his character is highlighted each time he talks. He only talks about himself and how he wants to do something. He is a complex character that only thinks about himself, which is the main reason why things happen the way they do.