"Crickets," by Robert Olen Butler

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Coming to America can be difficult. A father and his new bride have escaped by boat across the terrible sea to come to America from Vietnam. They ended up in the state of Louisiana, where the land was very much like the Mekong Delta, where they grew up. Their child, Bill, was born in America. He was much more Americanized and had little knowledge about his cultural background. The story, "Crickets," by Robert Olen Butler …

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…isn't easy. There are many ups and downs in the real world. You have to fight for it in order to win the battles. He also wants his son to understand where he had come from. In writing this essay, I have come to believe you should teach your child to learn about their culture when they are young. That way, as they grow up they can easily be adapt to their culture and languages.