Crest of the Green Leaf: Entry Two

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
13th Day of the 3rd Month I am so furious right now I could just cry. It all started out well enough. I awoke early, and determined in my heart that I would make a good impression on the Counsel. I wore a sky-blue, princess seam gown with silver scroll-laced trim on the scooped neckline and tapered sleeves. Father says that dress makes me look 25 summers old; instead of my going-on-18-summers age. I brushed …

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…war. This may be the last chance we get to spend time together and a family, and I don't want it ruined. I must go and help Mother now. We must decide on what food to bring with us. Yet, even as I try to be happy, a single thought keeps going through my mind. Lord Eirik spoke about the Counsel's treachery. If this is true, then Father is facing a greater threat than war.