Creon, the Tragic Hero of Antigone.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Antigone is a very tragic story written by a Greek author named Sophocles involving many deaths because of one man, Creon. Creon was lead to his downfall because of his own actions and arrogance making him the tragic hero in story of Antigone. A tragic hero by definition is a noble character with a tragic flaw. He is the tragic hero of Antigone because he is noble, he has a tragic flaw, and he is …

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…dust"(Sophocles 698). In conclusion, Creon was lead to his downfall because of his own actions and arrogance making him the tragic hero in story of Antigone. He is the tragic hero of Antigone because he is noble, he has a tragic flaw, and he is brought down the most. This description fits the definition a tragic hero, and with the explanations above, it is perfectly clear that Creon is definitely the tragic hero of Antigone.