Creole's of Louisiana.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
"Louisiana's Creoles of Color" In 1970 the state of Louisiana's Bureau of Vital Statistics decided that 1/32 Negro blood was the diving line between white and black (Dominquez, 1986.) They then informed the public that any form of Negro blood was the legal basis for blackness. In addition modern genetic studies show that blacks in the United States average 25 percent white genes and that whites average 5 percent black genes (Woods, 1972.) Consequently, how are we to decipher who constitutes …

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…left in the air for any individual of mix ancestry to decipher who they are and with whom they would like to identify with. This also leaves room for non-Creoles to categorize Creoles as they see fit. All in all, regardless of whom Creoles identify with or are identified as, the fact remains that Creoles continue to make up an extraordinary group of people that any individual should be proud to be a part of.