Creative Story. An adaptation of Margaret Laurence's "Where my World Began". IT was an assignment for English class, we had to say where we began.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Where My Real World Began My world began much father away then most of the people in my class. It began where the summers were hot, almost scorching, and the winters cool and dry. I still consider myself a western child, because that is where I grew and where my heart still belongs, even till today. The city was an oddity in the western landscape, it was large and overpowering, like a dragon that has …

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…seemed like hours passed in seconds and I was quickly pulled out of the water by other skaters drawn to Samantha's screams. I don't know what really happened in that coldness, all that I know is that from that moment I have seen the world so differently. You learn to value the important things in life like family and friends, and I believe that my childhood world ended that day, and the real world began.