Creative Story showing the theme of "outsider". Presents views on a school boy isolated from all other boys in the school.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
It was the first day back at school for a new year. Many of us still longed to be on holiday, carefree and careless. It showed on our faces as we grumpily and wearily made our way along the corridors to our House Room. This year our form (11) had a new student. When we walked in we all just looked at him, scrutinizing, mentally noting anything unusual. There was something about him though, but I …

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…not understand and yet they were verbally abusing him. They did not understand and yet they physically abused him. I would not take it anymore, and it is this reason that I did not care about what my "friends" now thought of me. I had a feeling atai knew what I knew about him. He did not seem to mind, but one day, I know we will be great friends. Friends that never stop talking.