Creative Propaganda

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Welcome my fellow citizens. Do you like British Columbia? Do you like where you are living? Of course not, as you don't like the 7.5% Provincial Sales Tax and the soaring oil price... You loathe the traffic jams, and Canada's national debts... All of these problems we are facing in this country can be turned into positive elements by annexing this province and Washington to create a new state called New Washington. United States of America …

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…spent to our state, and Vancouver will become the next Seattle or San Francisco, with many tourist attractions and skyscrapers. Isn't this what we are looking for - more active support from the government for more involvement of Vancouver in the world? Let us create a better living space by proudly joining the Pax Americana world. Let us join America to gain more while losing nothing. Pax Americana... The world of hope... want to join?