Creation vs evolution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What Are They Angry About? by Tyler Booman If you're planning a vacation later this year, better make sure it's not in Kansas. According to recent reports, the state's overall IQ has just taken a nosedive. What has caused this "giant step back into the nineteenth century" as one person called it? Quite simply, the State Board of Education voted to de-emphasize evolution in state testing and to give local school boards the option of …

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…heretics. The concept of intelligent design should be permitted in the schools, right alongside of evolution. It does not amount to a state establishment of religion so long as no particular religion is endorsed nor any specific doctrines taught. And if our children are as intelligent as we think they are, they should be capable of weighing the evidence for themselves, and drawing their own conclusions. After all, isn't that what education is all about?