Creation of an Original Myth

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Bobo the Warrior and the Creation of Dominique." Once long ago, somewhere in the middle of the pacific ocean, lived a group of people that were thrown into exile from the mighty kingdom of Camelot. The creation of the universe had happened many of years before their birth, and they believe in the gods of the British isles. Noone knows why these individuals were exiled, but we do know that when they were, their mother …

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…beauty I see standing before my now. You shall forever be named "Dominique, the goddess of inner peace." The next thing Bobo found himself doing was waking up to his pregnant wife lying by his side, in the land of the exiled. They proceeded to have three children and live happily ever after. The newly formed goddess of inner peace, Dominique, smiled on the land of the exiled and put these lost souls at ease.