Creation Stories from Ancient Cultures

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
There are many religions and many cultures in this day and age. Each one of them has different Creation stories, so one must is right, and the others wrong. Since we are already gifted with the knowledge of which is right, our task is to arm ourselves with weapons that we can use against the other religions, to convert them to Christ. I will discuss some stories and give examples from them. In the story …

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…all these accounts it should be easy to find the correct one. The Biblical Creation story soars past its competition and shows us that the other stories are no more than other peoples twisted version of the same thing. So whenever we read or hear one of these stories, we will always know the correct one, and that is a great comfort indeed. Bibliography Hamilton, Virginia. In the Beginning. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1988.