Creating Law: Philosophers of Law

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Aristotle is known as one of the most influential philosophers of all time. Many believe Aristotle laid the foundation of "ancient philosophy" (Wikipedia). The great philosopher lived from 384 BC to March 7, 322 BC and throughout his lifetime he made philosophical breakthroughs that opened minds to a new way of thinking (Greek Philosophers). He was born in a town in northern Greece called Stagira and this is where his prophecies began. Proxenus, his guardian, sent Aristotle to …

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…amp;lt;>. "Noam Chomsky." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nov. 2001. 01 Oct. 2005 <>. Taylor, C.C.W, R.M Hare, and Jonathan Barnes. Greek Philosophers. London: Oxford UP, 1999. 01 Oct. 2005. "Thomas Hobbes." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Aug. 2001. 01 Oct. 2005 <>. Tuck, Richard. Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. 01 Oct. 2005.