Crazy/Beautiful movie review

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Crazy/Beautiful is a modern day Romeo and Juliet love story, featuring two people from the opposite sides of the track. Kirsten Dunst, usually seen starring in comedy roles like in the films Dick and Bring it On, stars in this heavy drama, as an emotionally troubled daughter of a rich but liberal Southern California congressman, who is played by Bruce Davison. Nicole lives in a Pacific mansion in L.A., and goes to school …

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…a little bit of mystery. The actors fulfill their reputations as professionals, however the movie base is not original at all. Rich girl falls in love with poor boy, and they go throughout the trials and tribulations together, against all odds. (How Wonderful!) This film probably should not be viewed by young children, as they are at times influenced by what they see, and this movie, is definitely not one of good morals or values.