Crazy - Room 437. Narrative on manic-depressive disorder.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In order to define crazy, you have to actually experience crazy. To feel your entire existence dissolve around you and be replaced by the icy cold of uncertainty only skims the surface of this unbearable reality that thousands of people face each day. People like me. As I lie awake, counting the dimples in the stark white tile of the ceiling above me, I am numbed by the unrelenting battle of chaos in my mind. …

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…starched sheets of the hospital bed stick to my body. The needle of the phlebotomist stings my skin. I hear the doctors scamper from room to room. Yes, now I feel. I feel alive. The medications have stabilized and the therapist is helpful. As I work through the past events in my life, I realize it is time to gather up my emotions and move. Move on and move out of crazy, out of room 437.