Course Evaluation

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Course Evaluation Q1. What methods are used to evaluate a course? Q2. Why do we need to evaluate a course? Q3. What criteria/areas could be used to evaluate a course? A1. Methods of evaluating a course are:  Setting goals and targets to see if the course/students are achieving what's expected of them.  Giving the students questionnaires to see what they thought about the course and if it met their need.  …

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…course useful or has it-helped students to move on in their careers or helped them to gain access to another course. Course evaluation can also therefore be used assess to what extend does the course offer increased value to the student. A3. Criteria/Areas which can be used to evaluate a course:  Taster or Sandwich courses  Open Days  Gather information from local employers on training needs  Flyers - Newspaper "Press Releases"