Courageous John Quincy Adams

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
John Quincy Adams was a major influence in the history of the United States. John Quincy took part in more important events, and held more important positions than any person in United States history. Some of the important positions he held were he was American Ministers to four different European Countries (Hague, Prussia, Russia and England), a State Senator representing Massachusetts, peace negotiator to England, a member of the House of Representatives, Secretary of the …

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…it would be real hard. John Quincy was a brave enough man to say and do and what he thought, not what his colleagues and constituents thought. If you have a feeling of what you think is right, and others don't think what you are thinking is right, you should do what you feel not what people around you think. Don't let people around you influence your decisions too much, think with your own mind.